Holiday Gift Bags for Nursing Home Residents

Our goal is to give  250 holiday bags to nursing home residents! 

The holidays can sometimes be a bit difficult, but we hope our delivery of gift bags will help brighten the holiday for these nursing home residents.   We talk with nursing activity directors to determine the most useful and appreciated gifts.  Each gift bag will be personally delivered to each resident. 

From our experience with game prizes, many of the popular gifts are brush and comb sets; mirrors; magnifying glasses; scented lotions; warm fuzzy socks; and word search books. We'll also include a special card from grade-school students  letting the residents know they are not forgotten.  We'll even send you a picture of your gift bag(s) being delivered!

Please help us reach our goal and help to bring a smile to an elderly person.  Please let your friends know too  : )
Make the holidays a bit brighter!

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